Partner Marketing Budget
3 Steps to Make the Most of Your Partner Marketing Budget in 2024

Anita Covelli Director of Partner Marketing

As 2024 planning ramps up, partner marketing leaders in B2B tech are under more pressure than ever to create pipeline and demonstrate ROI despite lean teams, tight budgets and shifting […]

Lead gen content mix
Selecting the Right Lead Gen Content Mix Across the Buying Cycle

Kurtis Kendall Senior Copywriting Strategist

In lead gen, what types of content resonate the most with your audience? Is it white papers? Webinars? Analyst reports from Enterprise Strategy Group or Gartner? The answer isn’t one […]

Content for lead gen
The Importance of Selecting High-Quality Content for Lead Gen Campaigns

Kurtis Kendall Senior Copywriting Strategist

One of the most important aspects of your lead gen campaign is having high-quality content. Quality supersedes content type, length or mix regardless of your target audience or market. You […]

Email CTAs
Sealing the Deal with Compelling CTAs: Good (and Bad!) Examples 

Annie Coyne Marketing Associate Copywriter

In part one of this series, we delved into strategies for creating effective subject lines. Now, let’s discuss how to tie your message together with a compelling and persuasive call […]

Email subject lines
Formulating Eye-Catching Subject Lines

Annie Coyne Marketing Associate Copywriter

In this series, we share tips to create engaging copy for your buyers, from crafting effective emails to e-books, and more.   In email marketing, subject lines are the first part […]

Channel marketing
3 Areas of Improvement to Drive Channel Marketing Success

Jimmy Lee Director of Channel Marketing in EMEA

Like many pipeline and revenue-generating teams, there’s incredible pressure and expectations for channel marketing programs to drive growth this year. Despite the uncertainty channel teams face, leaders are still optimistic […]

3 Ways to Maximize Lead Gen Potential by Working From the “Outside In”

John Steinert CMO

Every day clients come to us with lists of people they want to target. Their lists are built from three classic building blocks: A combination of titles associated with past […]

Context and Quality
Why Context and Quality in Lead Gen Beats Higher Volumes at Lowest Cost

John Steinert CMO

Watching what’s happened to some well-funded “big ideas”, I’ve been thinking about how this illuminates our own tech GTM experiences. Debacles like crypto’s $2T decline over 2022 or Softbank’s irrational […]

ABM outcomes
3 Ways to Use Intent Data to Improve ABM Outcomes

Alicia Borchardt Marketing Programs Manager

A lot is said about the benefits of ABM, but less is said around the effort ABM requires. ABM is often more work per account than other marketing activities because […]

Conversion Pixel